Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Mama Mia

Finally caught up with the latest Hollywood musical, Mama Mia. Full of song and dance, this movie is an quite an entertaining caper. 20-year-old Sophie lives with her mother Donna on a small Greek island, where Donna runs a resort. Sophie is about to be married and wants her father to be present at the wedding but does not know who he is. From Donna's old diary, she figures he is one of three men mentioned in it. She secretly invites all three and hopes to find out who is her real father. What follows is a capricious canter with characters breaking into song and dance at the drop of a hat.

There’s not much of a plot to carry on 108 minutes of reel time, but the great performances, awesome locations and of course Abba’s music makes for one feisty flick. Some song sequences do seem a bit too long winded (Read: Donna singing “The winner takes it all” to a remorseful looking Sam). Even so, the movie cruises along at a pretty good pace and keeps one amused. Meryl Streep as the sassy Donna steals the show and steals your heart with her quirky antics to Mama Mia and Dancing Queen. Can’t really say the same about Pierce Brosnan suddenly singing S.O.S. It’s a bit odd to see our smooth, suave Bond serenading with Abba classics.

Not sure how many people would actually like this movie, but if you are an Abba fan, this light hearted, feel good movie is definitely worth a watch.

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