Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Monsters under my bed!!

I hate to admit it, but the fact is that darkness still gives me the creeps. There are still some nights when the few moments between switching off the lights and climbing into bed brings terribly graphic images into my mind. Blame it on an overactive imagination, but my mind somehow conjures up these scary possibilities which I’m sure could shoot any horror flick into a box office success.

Well, last night was particularly freakish…I turned off the lights and got into bed quite peacefully, without my imagination acting up. But then my brain chooses to give me a dose of insomnia. So I lie wide awake trying to count sheep. Now I have a pretty large glow-in-the-dark jig saw puzzle spread out in my room, which gives out an eerie glow in the dark. Within seconds creepy images started popping into my tranquil mind. For a change I decide to go with the flow and try to list out all the possibilities that have given me jitters over the years.

Well, there have always been images of skeletons jumping out from closets and ghosts flying in from open windows. But my biggest fear factor has always been monsters under the bed. Even now I would think twice before dangling my feet down from the bed when it is pitch dark. Even if I do, the sensation that something would grab my feet and pull me under the bed is so overpowering that it makes me involuntarily pull my feet back up. But once all tucked up in bed I have always felt safe from any of Satan’s minions that may be lurking under the bed, in the closet or outside the window. Unfortunately, my imagination seems to catch up on fear factors narrated by others. One such fear is to be lying in bed, and get the feeling that if I look up at the ceiling fan there would be a person dangling from it. Anyway, I have now stopped looking up at the ceiling once the lights are turned off so I have pretty much managed to get over that fear.

Things were fine until one of my friends chose to let her imagination run away. Asked me what I would do if I woke up in the middle of the night and found that the person lying next to me had turned into a ghost. Needless to say insomniac nights have never been the same with this particular possibility lodged in my head!!!


Swathi said...

now i am going to have sleepless nights!!!!!!!!!

Ajish said...

I just turn on the lights....look myself a stupid fool....and go back to sleep....I think the stupid fool thing works better than the lights :)

dipz said...

Dont think that wud work for me...fear overcomes my pride :(

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